Brand strategy 101: What it is and why you need it

A brand strategy is your game plan for how you're showing up in the world. It covers everything from who you are to how you talk and treat the humans giving you money.

Why you should care:

Standing out: Let's face it—nobody's fighting to buy boring, for products or services. A brand strategy helps you answer "Why you?" before customers ask "Why bother?"

Looking like you have your act together: Consistency across touchpoints isn't just marketing jargon—it's making sure you don't seem like you have a split personality disorder when customers encounter your brand in different places.

Finding your people: With a solid strategy, you can stop wasting time on people who'll never buy from you anyway. Focus on the ones who might actually appreciate what you're selling.

Playing the long game: Sure, you could wing it and hope for the best. Or you could have an actual plan for sustainable growth that doesn't involve panic-pivoting every other month.

Making people feel things: By connecting your brand to values people actually care about, you create emotional connections—which is marketing-speak for "they'll choose you even when someone else is cheaper."

Outsmarting the competition: Understanding your market, competitors, and audience gives you intel to capitalize on opportunities while your competition is still trying to figure out who their audience is.


A photo of me post-tandam parachute jump.

New Zealand, 1997.

This is how having a brand strategy makes you feel… grateful to have your feet on the ground!


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