Impact Army: Not your parents’ financial advisors.
Much like a hot dog, many of us don’t really know what exactly is inside our investment portfolio. How do know you aren’t supporting companies that are big-time polluters or contributing to deforestation? Choosing an advisory firm that’s in alignment with your values takes the uncertainty out and takes investing to another level. #portfoliopride
Impact Army is the advisory firm of my dreams. They are straight shooters who put the onus of responsibility on me to do the right thing for myself and for the greater good.
PROBLEM: The old school ways of investing feel complacent and misaligned.
SOLUTION: Questioning the status quo triggers self-reflection and a prompt to think differently.
ROLE: Brand strategy, Brand development, Naming, Design, Copywriting
Who is Impact Army?
A brand that connects disenfranchised investors to the pride and power of aligned investing.
Who are we speaking to?
An independent thinker, driven by a sense of personal integrity.
Brand concept board. Mixing expansive nature with interesting and original people. Camo pattern, patterns of outliers and canvas texture provide depth.
Logo development evolved from the idea of mixing military elements with nature.
Truth bomb
Hooking the audience with relatable struggles gets the conversation started. No one is expecting a financial conversation to start with the pains of spelling. Keeping in mind this audience is non-traditional, this sort of authentic and confessionary approach stands out and lets them know real people with real opinions are behind the scenes. And honestly, who doesn’t struggle spelling Alber Albur Albuquerque?