
So I've been thinking about writing my own manifesto. Not the unhinged-person-in-a-cabin kind, but the "why does your business exist beyond making money" kind. And before you roll your eyes – which, fair – hear me out.

I get it. Writing a manifesto sounds pretentious as hell, but there is one glaring reason to do so: clarity of vision. It’s what you stand for and strive for and won’t give up for. It’s a declaration that you care about something. A good manifesto shows a depth of belief. Whether it’s through an infographic, video, or a few paragraphs on your about page, declaring why you do what you do can be a magnet for customers, supporters, and partners alike. The firms that actually stick in people's minds are the ones who've figured out what hill they're willing to die on.

Take Patagonia's iconic "Don't Buy This Jacket" manifesto. They basically told people to stop buying their stuff unless they really needed it. Insane, right? Except it worked, because it wasn't just marketing – it was a genuine declaration of values that made people think "huh, these folks actually mean what they say."

In wealth management, look at Abacus Wealth Partners' manifesto about expanding what's possible with money. They're not just managing portfolios; they're explicitly challenging how people think about wealth. It's brave, it's clear, and it probably makes some traditional clients uncomfortable – which is exactly the point.

What if the real differentiator isn't your fee structure or your tech stack, but having the guts to say "this is what we believe, and this is why it matters"?

Here are some manifesto inspo links to get your wheels turning:
New York Times
Olivetti “Lettera 36”

Maybe I'm overthinking this (and I’m sure I am), but if you're wrestling with making your RIA matter beyond the AUM, let's be weird together and write some manifestos. 

P.S. Send me your manifesto if you write one. I’d love to learn what gets you out of bed each morning.

P.S.S. Here’s a link to the Artemis manifesto.


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